
Links (in alphabetical order)

British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) This is a large database of cases. It comes with with decisions and full details in many of the cases supplied.

Chartered Insurance Institute This is the home page of the Chartered Insurance Institute. There is an excellent area for members requiring a login based on your PIN number. Even without this it is a very big resource for those with an interest in insurance matters.

CII – Faculty of Claims The Faculty of Claims is a recent addition and we were delighted to join when it was announced. We are very hopeful that it will develop into a valuable resource.

European Agency for Safety & Health at Work As it says! Lots of H&S info here.

Health and Safety Executive UK Another vast resource of H&S information. Much of this can be downloaded and it is especially useful in areas where the Irish counterpart has not yet got around to making a pronouncement.

Health and Safety Review This is the home page of a very useful magazine to which we subscribe.

Houses of the Oireachtas – Acts in Portable Document Format (PDF) Irish Legislation is really accessible and if like us you like to read the source before you consider the interpretations of others, then this is the place for you.

Insurance Institute of Ireland This is the home of “The Institute” as it is known in Ireland. We have had close involvements here over the years and at one time John Higgins actually ran this website! Needless to say there have been a lot of developments since then with more in the offing.

Irish Insurance Federation The IIF is the “Producers Organization”, the trade body of the companies who transact here. It contains a lot of useful information for claims people and papers on diverse insurance subjects.

Irish Government Website As well as access to Statutes and other legal documents, it is possible to get access to press releases issued when a law is passed or detailing future intentions. Dáil (Irish Parliament) debates are also archived and searchable.

Irish Statutes Online This provides direct access to a searchable database of Irish Statute Law as well as Regulations issued under powers granted. Again we find it very useful in that it is well organized and searchable.

Health and Safety Authority (HSA) The Irish HSA has done an amazing amount of work in a relatively short time. There is alot of very sensible advice on their website in reasonable digestible format.

Irish Business & Employers Confederation (IBEC) This is the employers organization. Again there is a large members section but there is plenty for the rest of us as well.

National Irish Safety Organization (NISO) 
Another body that we are proud to be joined. This organization was interested in the safety of workers long before it was fashionable (or profitable) to be so.

Personal Injuries Assessment Board This is the Government backed injury assessment organization. It is safe to say that it has transformed the claims environment. The website is straightforward and provides very detailed FAQs

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Very useful information about accidents and safety management. They do alot of useful work around playgrounds.

RTE (Irish Radio) Business News This is “the business” in Ireland on any given day. It is a handy site to keep an eye on for events or happenings and is a little more immediate (and accessible) than some newspaper sites.

Small Firms Association Another employers organization, this time for the smaller companies. They too have a lot of information that can be helpful publicly available on their website.